Short: V39.3 reqtools.library w/src (AROS back port) Author: Nico Francois, Magnus Holmgren, AROS Team Uploader: georg.steger at (Georg Steger) Version: 39.3 Type: util/libs Requires: OS 2.0, 68020 Size: ReqToolsLib.lha 211.760 bytes ************************** * REQTOOLS.LIBRARY V39.3 * ************************** This is a back port of the AROS reqtools.library - which itself is based on the original Amiga ReqTools sources - to AmigaOS. CHANGES IN THIS VERSION: V39.3: - Fixed some bugs which were introduced in V39.2. First bug: if a file requester was created with all of the following tags: {RT_Screen, }, {RT_Window, }, {RT_ShareIDCMP, TRUE} then it used to make a ModifyIDCMP() call with window param being NULL -> Enforcer Hit -> Crash. Second bug: the traversing of the Nodes of the PubScreenList in a support function was not done correctly. The first node in the list was skipped, and the last "examined" one was a wrong one (node->ln_Succ = NULL). This archive contains only the library! For all the other stuff like prefs program, catalogs you still have to download ReqToolsUsr.lha, unless you have it already! Georg Steger - georg.steger at - --------------------------------------------------------------- Archive has been checked and signed with my PGP key, so you can verify there was no tampering with the file after placed on the server. Use 'pgp ReqToolsLib.txt ReqToolsLib.lha' to check signature Key Fingerprint F7 D2 A7 F7 5B 9F 69 F8 B3 9D 65 9A D4 27 C6 05 Charlene contact: md5sum: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.3 Comment: Signed by Charlene, using PGPAmiga iQCVAwUAQCgoYPrh//oWbqdVAQHPagP/aOTL3tOC2cEJjnn9qn/09ZduuAeU2eRl BX1rF3D/m2FRL3rGk2LnrOyiIl9RD0zGhkvGhBbigV6zu02d2B9bLR162L+JrJbs 35GzwbCTwiVvdbF4vqDMLO+rFttnboscTqc1cdo5z1Ylz+Jl1XLgBZarWQjWHEZ4 Ki//ksIaCrs= =mhep -----END PGP MESSAGE-----