Short: PatchBrain v1.55 for VirusExecutor v2.29+ Author: virusexecutor at (Jan Erik Olausen) Uploader: virusexecutor at (Jan Erik Olausen) Version: 1.55 Type: util/virus Replaces: util/virus/VEPatchBrain.lha Requires: VirusExecutor v2.29+ Size: VEPatchBrain.lha 29.677 bytes How to Install the PatchBrain: Just copy the file 'VirusExecutor.PatchBrain' to the same drawer VirusExecutor is located and restart VirusExecutor... Changes since last version: Added SetPatchSingBas v1.0 ForceFastMem v1.0 DumpTaskMem v1.0 MemTrailer v1.7 Remember.. If you have unknown patches, please let me know so I can add them to the patch brain :) The author Email: virusexecutor at --------------------------------------------------------------- Archive has been checked and signed with my PGP key, so you can verify there was no tampering with the file after placed on the server. Use 'pgp VEPatchBrain.txt VEPatchBrain.lha' to check signature Key Fingerprint F7 D2 A7 F7 5B 9F 69 F8 B3 9D 65 9A D4 27 C6 05 Charlene contact: md5sum: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.3 Comment: Signed by Charlene, using PGPAmiga iQCVAwUAQCQQdPrh//oWbqdVAQE9fwP+LF8/iTRYThh/DZnx9bUyZWHG7FqY0qWm ZGtL8c5W0tuiWYSv05qnN361IvAL+MEt/LYDqUwVandytky0k2c4PFrdIRFEyDgg 6AKkWd6pClugnP4/nXCswLz8NRmyQ1DfOKi+GvzzfneGOKGhw0Sj7/+rPL8lUI9h eQrYTcHpV40= =rL01 -----END PGP MESSAGE-----