Short: VirusZ II v1.44 (06.09.98) Author: ghoermann at (Georg Hörmann) Size: vz_ii144.lha 240.628 bytes _________ _ Virus Help Denmark ____/"""./###/____)\_____________ /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP! / / //"""/" / // / //____ \_ \ // / ____/ / //""""/X\@!/ \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/ --><><><><><><>- Presents-<><-- VirusZ II v1.44 (06.09.98) (Now VirusZ II is freeware.) >>>----------------------------------<<< Great Program Made By Georg Hoermann http:/ ============================================================================ VIRUSZ II/pre-III REVISION HISTORY ============================================================================ 1.44 Changes/Additions since 1.43: - Added XVS version string to about request just like in VZ III. Debugging is easier that way, idea by Jan Andersen. - Changed status to FREEWARE for the near future. --------------------------------------------------------------- Archive has been checked and signed with my PGP key, so you can verify there was no tampering with the file after placed on the server. Use 'pgp vz_ii144.txt vz_ii144.lha' to check signature Key Fingerprint F7 D2 A7 F7 5B 9F 69 F8 B3 9D 65 9A D4 27 C6 05 Charlene contact: md5sum: -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: 2.6.3 Comment: Signed by Charlene, using PGPAmiga iQCVAwUAQCQIxfrh//oWbqdVAQGVsgP+O9rhrxUyJQpg5dwt3s6xu3GScjTROEMk rp+JlHCM73VIy8M4EvZ+jcH5F0olrCAHPxmpfzpq6AZAvAdbA6YpmAigN0OfZbVj WBcAKPN+BuubLpYb35/NgMwOZdhzYRxU8TBc83uXf5hhAD69ImdnBsTJlWjwHNtk TXPmZPHbzrA= =Seuq -----END PGP MESSAGE-----